Thank you to all the parents who offered to accompany us on our upcoming field trip.  Unfortunately, due to the amount of classes who are participating, we are limited to 5 adults per class.  When choosing parents to come on field trips, I try to be equitable and choose parents who haven't had the opportunity to work with class.  It is such an enriching experience for students to have their parents there, in addition to the benefit of parents seeing how their children interact with their peers in a classroom setting (which can be quite different than how they behave at home).  We will have several more field trips this year, so I'm hoping that I can accommodate all the parents who are available to take advantage of this opportunity. 

Grade 5 parents, please be on the lookout for a notice coming home today with information regarding the late French immersion program which starts in grade 6.  Let me know if you have any questions about it.