Just a reminder that photo retakes will be happening tomorrow morning. 
Just a reminder/FYI about Mr. Beveridge's blog in which he shares stories about Cleveland, and his thoughts on teaching and learning with our school community. 


Time to start multiplication!  Students should be practicing their multiplication facts for a few minutes each night, focusing on the 6, 7, and 8 times tables and once up to 9 is mastered, the 10, 11, and 12 times tables.  Being able to recall these facts quickly is very important to almost all strands of math, including patterns, geometry, measurements, and of course multiplication and division.  Check out the math page for suggestions of websites for math games.  If you have a game or an app that your child uses, feel free to leave it in the comments section.
Tomorrow, we are headed to the library with Mme Blummel's grade 4/5 to hear from Eric Walters, popular children's author.  Be sure to ask your child about it after school!